Answer the following 42 questions and find out if you are on the highway to burnout!
I am a "one (wo)man band" for my business.
I schedule REST into my work day each day!
I take care of my body every day!
I work on my personal growth each day (mindset)!
I do FUN/JOYFUL things each day!
I sleep enough each day!
As an entrepreneur I feel fully supported by my family and friends!
As an entrepreneur I feel fully understood by my family and friends!
I sometimes feel lonely in my business.
I know mindset work is important for success.
I know SELF-LOVE is important for success.
I always know who to turn to about business advice!
I always know who to turn to about my inner struggles!
I sometimes feel overwhelmed with making decisions about my business.
I'm really good at SAYING NO and setting boundaries.
I regularly check my emails during the day (computer or phone).
I find it easy to remind my customers when their invoices are overdue!
At the end of most working days I feel I could have accomplished more.
I love selling and marketing.
I charge for my services with ease!
I mostly over deliver to my clients.
I keep working with clients who haven'T paid the last 2 bills I sent them.
The first thing I do in the morning is check my emails.
The first thing in the morning is check my social media.
I always eat breakfast in peace in the morning.
I always take time for me in the morning before I start working.
I take holidays (notifying all my clients of my absence) at leats once a year for xx days.
When I want to implement something new into my business strategy I always learn it myself and do it myself.
I am a "one wo/man band" in my company because I can't afford a team.
I use the word "I'M BUSY" a lot.
I adapt my business (day) around my customers.
(Answer only If you work from home) I take naps during my work day if I'm tired.
I cancel meetings with my clients if I'm really tired.
Live/Online meetings with my clients mostly last much longer than planned.
When I start working with a client, we always sign a contract so we have clarity on our working relationship.
I love being active on social media.
I have a clear business strategy for a few months ahead!
I worry about my business future a lot.
I worry about money a lot.
I trust myself.
I love my business.
I love my life.
I love myself.
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